A Song for the Weary Worn Soul



Lord there are so many hearts hurting, souls searching, belief blinded, faith frail, rejection rising, depression descending, emotions empty, health haggard, trust tattered, strength sapped, voice vexing, sight skewed, pressure permeating, mind muddy, grace grim and love lacking. People are weighed down by deception, doubt, disappointments, discouragement, depression and death itself. The pain of past, present, and future try to taunt the psyche day and night. The pressures of life are pervasively persistent like a pestilence or a predator that prowls around ready to pounce provoking us against the promises secured to us through your blood. Constant changing circumstances try to define our existence exhausting our resources and chiseling at the foundation we stand upon. Everyone I know is fighting a battle and there is a weariness among my brethren and I too feel it. We long for wholeness and a perfect ending but the only perfect ending is in eternity. So in the meantime, we seek more of you, we devour your word and all of your promises to heal and nurture our aching souls. We are desperately seeking and you are graciously giving. Thank you that nothing takes you by surprise and for not only being present but for carrying us through as we wouldn’t make it without you. Thank you for the reminder:

“The Lord your God has arrived to live among you. He is a mighty Warrior. He will give you victory. He will rejoice over you with great gladness; he will love you and not accuse you. Is that a joyous choir I hear? No, it is the Lord himself exulting over you in joyous song. I have gathered your wounded and taken away your reproach. And I will deal severely with all who have oppressed you. I will save the weak and helpless ones, and bring together those who were chased away. I will give glory to my former exiles, mocked and shamed. At that time, I will gather you together and bring you home again, and give you a good name, a name of distinction among all the peoples of the earth, and they will praise you when I restore your fortunes before your very eyes.” Zephaniah 3:17-20

Time and time again Lord, you have shown us in the midst of sorrow there are songs being sung; praise being offered through pain; laughter where the spirit is languished; awe in the midst of angst as you, our amazing advocate, continually fight for us; faith is being fueled where fear wants to rule, and gratitude and glorious grace is rising out of grueling and grievous situations. We are able to dance with delight defeating death, lavish love on those around us as you illuminate and liberate us from the law causing our light to shine brighter through the brokenness. You pave the pathway: promising us a fresh fragrance, beauty boldly breaking, fruitful faith, redeeming and restoring riches from our rags, and gentle grace and goodness every day. Oh, how you renew us with your radical love and strength lifting our sifted souls!

Precious Lord how we thank you for performing songs over each of us and for loving us in and through the hard places. You have gathered each of us who are struggling into your arms taking great care of and nurturing us tenderly.  We love that you deal with all that attempts to oppress us, as well as, the oppressor. You have sounded the battle cry of victory in every detail of our life, promised restoration and continuously breathe life back into our weary souls to persevere. Keep our eyes fixed on your gaze regardless of the circumstances we face and help us to see things through an eternal lens until we come home! We love you Lord! 

Much love to you precious ones as you walk in Him! 


Fractured Yet Fighting


September 9/30/2015